To be honest, there's no 'Us' unless you're here! uses a free service developed by ManyBrain Inc.
We are in no way affiliated or associated with or the developer, however, we use their free service as a means to provide you with some cool chat rooms.
We would also like to provide you a simple to follow guide on how you can use Talkinators in your own Website, Blog, or even Myspace. However, this is not available yet, but will be coming soon. Come back to see future updates! More popular Talkinators will be added soon!
As anyone can host a Talkinator Chat, we encourage you to do so. It provides an easy way for your visitors to chat with one another. We also don't mind if you use the very rooms we have hosted here as we'll only have more people to talk with which is great... and of course what many of us want.
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