What is Talkinators.tk?
Talkinators.tk provides free, no-signup, no registration group discussion rooms. We also show how anyone can have their very own Talkinator on a website, blog, or even on their MySpace!
So if there is no sign-up, what name will I have when I enter a room?
One will be generated for you. You can change it with the "name change" button or just type "/nick yourNewName".
So I can share one of Talkinators.tk's 'Chattin Rooms' on my site, blog, or myspace?
YES!!! You most certainly can. I actually want you to as it would only bring more people to the chat rooms! In fact, I will supply the code myself for my rooms SOON! I will also provide a simple guide on how to customize the code to your size and colour and how you can use it on your MySpace, Blog, and possibly more.
How many people can be in a talkinator room?
This really isn't a technical question so much as a human one. At some point, there are simply too many messages flying by for you to make any sense of them. What's that limit? Who knows. We sure don't. We'll be tweaking the number over the next few months to see what works.
Is this service free?
Obviously, the bandwidth and servers required to run Talkinator are not free, thus, a pricing structure for larger volume sites may be introduced at some point. However, the current plan is that Talkinators for smaller sites will remain free.
What is your Privacy Policy?
Just like Mailinator and IRC, the Privacy Policy here is simply: THERE IS NONE. Talkinator/ManyBrain doesn't ask, require or even want your personal information - These rooms are not private to Talkinators.tk and no messages are encrypted.
In addition - DO NOT give anyone your personal information in talkinator room. Its completely insecure. Anything you type in a talkinator room could be seen by anyone. Keep that in mind.
Frequently Asked Questions
Talkinator Rooms
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